April 10, 2007

Carpe Diem & Cravings

Why do we always crave for the things we can not have? And when we get them we are still not satisfied, we want more. Why are we never happy about the things we have?
Think about it. What do you REALLY need, what is it that you do not have that makes your life not worth living, or makes it unlivable? When you start to think there really is not any thing that I can think of that I MUST have. They are only things that I want to have.
But then again I start to think; so what? I have got this great opportunity in my life, I'm not poor, I have all the chances in the world to make it here. So why wouldn't I crave, want, moan for things that I can crave. I don't have any such worries such as; am I going to find any water today or am I going to live to see another day. So why wouldn't I live for the day? You never know when it will turn back on you, so seize the day. CARPE DIEM!
(how do you think? or what do you think is the "right" way of thinking?)


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February 18, 2007

United Arab Emirates

Today (18.2) is The Day, we are leaving for Dubai and Abu Dhabi at 21.30. I have such a travel fever! And I haven't even packed everything jet. But one thing is disturbing me, and that is that I have a lovely short white skirt but one of my friends has borrowed it and now she can't find it! And I would REALLY want to take it with me. You can't imagine how much it is bugging me right now. But I'm trying to think positive - I'm going to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates! wuhuu! Away from the cold her in Finland (-15) and off we go to the warmth in UAE (+20/30). See ya 26 February, suckers<3

February 9, 2007


Vogue have asked, on their website, if we think that Kate Moss has been a bad example for teenager when it comes to smoking. Media have written about it quite a lot. But I don't think so, it is your own choice if you smoke or not. You decide. So then it can't be Kate Moss's fault, she hasn't come to everyone who smokes and told them to smoke. So don't even try to blame anyone else for your own bad choice! I have also smoked, but I realized that I spend way to much money on cigarettes, so I decided to stop smoking. So that I would have more money to spend on clothes. And I have already saved over 100€! In only 2 weeks! That's quite a lot. And today, 9.2.2007, I have been 15 days without smoking = 2 weeks and 1 day. That's really something. I smoked for over 3 years and suddenly I just decided to stop smoking. None of my friends thought that I would make it and some don't even believe now that I have managed to stop smoking. But I have - and I'm proud over myself! And I really have a right to be proud to. So if you smoke then STOP! Take a second and think over what's important to you and why you smoke, is it really that nice? Think about what you could do with the money you will save and think about how much better you will feel.

February 6, 2007

February 5, 2007

Fall 2007

The 80s are back! Brands like Alexander Wang and Luella have followed the growing trend.
Tip: try a short aquamarine dress - legs are also a big YES this fall. Or maybe if you don't like colors so much; try a orange, lila, green belt.

Pictures from Vogue

And the metallic, futuristic style is also something to hang on to. Dolce&Gabbana have really put themselves into this trend.
Tip: if you don't want to go in to it 100% then wear only a metallic bag or shoes. There's loads of them in the shops - and you can also find really cheap ones.

Pictures from Vogue

February 1, 2007

IN or OUT?

When does something become in or out of fashion? It's not as if somebody is sitting on a pedestal and when she/he gets bored everyone else should also get bored --> something would be out of fashion. NO, nobody decides when something is in or out. It's We! The people who buy the stuff that decides how much for example a dress sells. And it's because of us that Dolce & Gabbana are known around the world. Without us there wouldn't be any fashion!

So really everything is still in fashion as long as somebody - anybody - likes it! You see it in everything, for a while ago things that were fashion for 100 years ago were in fashion right NOW. Haven't you thought about why some brands and some ideas never become High Core Fashion? Well it's because You and I didn't like them, and we decided to diss them.
Of course there is some things that are right and wrong, but almost everything is allowed. As long as you like it! Don't let anyone put you down! And of course some things are more fashion than others, but you know what I mean?

So if you like something - then wear it! IT IS FASHION! Don't worry about wearing the right clothes, there's no such thing. Wear the stuff you like and are comfortable in. Be yourself.



I really want these: Tommy Hilfiger - San antonio red dress + Svea - Daisy brown singlet + Hunkydory - Essential army wrap dress.

I love the Tommy Hilfiger dress because it's such a beautiful red color and it's so farm-girl:ish. LOVE IT!

And I like the Svea top because the material looks great and it's so bubblegum-girlish with its white dots.

The Hunkydory wrap dress is a WONDERFUL color, I really love earth colors! So ME!

(all from zoovillage.com + pictures)

School uniform

When you go to school you have to be there almost the hole day. So why not make the best of it and only wear clothes you are comfortable in? Nobody cares how you look in school, you are there to learn; not to have a fashion show. So take off your tight jeans and fancy tops and put on some nice, cosy trousers and a big shirt. After school if you are going out to meet some friends and on the weekends you can dress up! But don't get to concerned with how you look all the time! It's only exhausting. NO: Kiss YES: Tongue out


Vero Moda and HM

I found the most wonderful black dress from Vero Moda. The material is quite thin and see through, but with a black top underneath it doesn't matter. The cut is not a deep cut, it is straight and nice, the arms are short like on a t-shirt but they are a little butterflyish(puffy) and it has a little cute pocket also. I fell in love with this dress immediately and now it is mine! For only 40€
I also bought a dark blue dress from H&M. 20€

La Doña de Cartier

I just love Cartier's new bag; La Doña de Cartier. Especially the brown one. The material is really wonderful and even though it is a little bag the necessities fit into it.