February 1, 2007

IN or OUT?

When does something become in or out of fashion? It's not as if somebody is sitting on a pedestal and when she/he gets bored everyone else should also get bored --> something would be out of fashion. NO, nobody decides when something is in or out. It's We! The people who buy the stuff that decides how much for example a dress sells. And it's because of us that Dolce & Gabbana are known around the world. Without us there wouldn't be any fashion!

So really everything is still in fashion as long as somebody - anybody - likes it! You see it in everything, for a while ago things that were fashion for 100 years ago were in fashion right NOW. Haven't you thought about why some brands and some ideas never become High Core Fashion? Well it's because You and I didn't like them, and we decided to diss them.
Of course there is some things that are right and wrong, but almost everything is allowed. As long as you like it! Don't let anyone put you down! And of course some things are more fashion than others, but you know what I mean?

So if you like something - then wear it! IT IS FASHION! Don't worry about wearing the right clothes, there's no such thing. Wear the stuff you like and are comfortable in. Be yourself.


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